The Primrose Hill School Parent Teacher Organization (PTO) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to support and enhance educational excellence and foster school-based community building for all students and families at Primrose Hill School. The PTO works in partnership with the school, parents, and community at-large to create a successful and engaging learning and social experience for all students.

Meetings are held monthly and open to all. These are an opportunity for parents and faculty to become informed about issues, programs, activities, events, and opportunities at Primrose Hill School. Meetings also include an update from our Principal. Attendees are invited to join the discussion and share what is important to them with other parents, teachers and community members. Join us!

The PTO board is always hard at work making sure that all of the upcoming events for the 2024-25 are ready to run smoothly. Those listed below volunteered to provide leadership this year. 


Interested in joining the board, volunteering for an event, or participating on a planning committee? Contact us!  







Consider Joining the PTO!  Joining can be as little or as much as you want it to be - paying $20 per year in dues allows you access to the family directory, voting rights at PTO meetings - and you can also decide to volunteer your time for events, if you choose.